Why Adults Should Learn Violin (And What Age is Too Late to Learn Violin)
I get this question all of the time: “Am I too old to learn the violin?” The answer is short: NO! You are never too old and it is never too late to start learning the violin. While learning the violin can be a lot of fun at any age, there are some important reasons why learning the violin as an adult is even more fun, making right now the perfect time to learn! Let’s take a look at why adults should learn violin.
Have you ever thought of taking up the violin but thought, “No, I’m just too old.” Well, I’m here to tell you that age is no barrier when it comes to learning a new instrument.

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Why Adults Should Learn Violin:
1. Learning the violin is fun!
The violin is a beautiful instrument. While it is enjoyable to listen to, it is even more fun to be the person creating that experience. When you play music, you don’t think about the other stressful things in life and only focus on the task in front of you. You hear yourself making the beautiful sounds and really enjoy being swept away by the music.
2. Learning the violin is fulfilling!
Putting your time and energy into something positive that you can share with the world (or just keep for yourself) makes you feel good. Mastery of the skills required is cause for celebration.
3. You have enough time in the day
As an adult, you know your schedule and you know how to prioritize. You understand that it is possible to accomplish goals in small steps, so it is totally OK to practice in smaller increments of time.
4. You understand the value of self-care
It is well established that playing music is a massive benefit to your brain. As an adult, you understand more deeply how important it is to care for your mental, emotional, and physical health, and you can prioritize your violin practice knowing it’s not just fun, but also carries lifelong benefits.
5. As an adult student, you know how you learn
You’re in a better position to tell your teacher what you need and establish a working relationship with your teacher that will help you learn the most effectively.
6. Playing the violin is something that you probably have been thinking about for years
You have probably been listening to music and watching concerts on TV or online thinking “I wish that I could do that…” Why wait a minute longer?
I love teaching students of all ages. It is never too late to learn the violin. Learning the violin as an adult student can be even more rewarding than learning it as a child because it is the realization of a lifelong dream. Now is the perfect time to start!
There Are Benefits to Learning as an Adult
Adults on the other hand have muscle memory that they may need to unlearn in order to hold a violin and bow with good posture. The good news, however, is that studies have shown that adults can learn to read music quicker than children and can often be more motivated. Regardless of age, your body will need to adjust to the complexities of holding the instrument. Complaints about sore necks, arms, and even fingertips are quite common. Don’t despair! The body will adjust in time.
It’s Important to the Have Discipline to Practice Music
If you are now embarking on this journey as a more mature beginner you are likely to be keen and excited, and the motivation will be high. However, if you are like a student that is much older , you are unlikely to have a parent at home encouraging you to practice.
I remember very well as a child being sent to the music room to practice when I really wanted to skip it that day. As an adult, you can skip it any time you like but really, you must have the discipline to practice every day.
Take a look at your daily schedule and find time to include your violin practice. First of all, find the right time of day to practice. I understand, of course, that many of you will have other commitments, so finding the time may be determined by other factors. It is, however, important to dedicate a set time (time blocking if you like) and clear your mind to focus fully on the violin. Try to find a place that is free from other distractions like television or cell phones! Only with regular daily practice will you reap the benefits. I wish you the best of luck on your journey to becoming a violin master.

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If you are looking for an eager, professional & reliable music teachers to come to your home – we are available, & will be able to provide you a very reasonable music tutoring rate.
What People Are Saying
My daughter’s teacher, John is superb and very talented. He is super patient with my daughter and he cares. You won’t regret taking lessons. I assure you =)

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